Thomas Mansfield

BFA New Media

ARTIST STATEMENT: My work consists of multiple speed paints culminating together and ending with info cards about each piece. These videos are edited in adobe premiere. This piece shows the journey that these characters go through to be put into their world and shows just how much meticulous work it takes to bring a world to life. Each picture has its own title and story to tell within it. This project is made to allow what would usually only be shown to close friends and family be shown a glimpse to the world. Struggles, successes, loneliness, and growth during times of adversity is what these characters display.

Misfits Journey, Digital Animation, Duration: 6:26


Throughout the years of college and freelancing jobs, graphic design has been my strongest focus. It alongside the bigger new media section of art digital art has an ever growing market for younger minds to spread info give new perspectives on projects. That is where in my focus and job perspective I have chosen to go, but graphic design is the smaller aspect of my life. People will think that art all the time is visual, but then are remind that sound, editing, production and much more go into making works of art something spectacular. I wanted to culminate all of that into this project that shows a more private a hobbies side to my work that still employs valuable skills

Misfits Journey is a double meaning title behind the journey of the pictures stages and the name of all the original characters that are all a bunch of misfit band of people who have come together. In any career, especially during our current times of COVID-19, drastic monetization, and humans being more closed off from the world than ever before. I am present this project as a means to open people’s eyes at a small glimpse of something most artist would hide behind a pay wall. An intimate moment to get close of shots, details happening before ones very eyes that slowly bring life from nothingness.

New media art is no joke either, students and people who undertake this major are exposed to so many different styles of art which makes a lot of them jack of all trades. Upon choosing this as my focus, it was an intimidating world to enter, but the skills that I had gained from all the multifaceted classes are the reason why I personally feel so prepared for the corporate world. That will be the next chapter where I further refine and grow. This project shows the multiple skills that I have used throughout the entire 5 years of education and personal practice. Editing, sound design, illustration skill, and many more that anyone can learn with time and later use on team projects.

I hope to be someone who can join a collective team that would want to be open minded and willing to bounce ideas off each other. I find that it is really good to work with people that have a backbone and will critique someone’s thoughts, not to shame anyone, but to really help the ideas that are and are not good. Poorly thought out ideas can be detrimental to me and the firm as a whole which that could hurt the reputation of many. Positive frame of mind is needed in the art world when it comes to collective thinking. Then on the business side so that everyone can be on board and go full steam ahead to the project in front of them. I am a digital artist who is ready to get out there and do my best with the knowledge I have at hand.