Jaimee King

BA Art and Visual Technology

Artist Book Website: https://4artroyalties.wixsite.com/positivityofflowers

ARTIST STATEMENT: This year of 2020 has been full of uncertainties following the global pandemic of COVID-19. Feelings of sorrow, frustration, anger, and fear are the most prevalent within the hearts of this nations citizens and the global population. Those negative emotions are what motivated me to create this work. I hope to remind people to stay positive instead of focusing on the negative. My Artist Book is titled The Positivity of Flowers. The Artist Book measures 11-1/4 inches in width by 17-1/2 inches in height, and is made with the Japanese Stab & Stitch bookmaking technique and houses my twenty flower drawings. Each of the twenty flowers has a poem detailing their unique meanings. Despite my Artist Book being a physical bound book I have decided to forgo my original plan of the hand-written poetry in favor of telling you my poems through the Pecha Kucha format. I wanted to let my drawings take center-stage within my actual Artist Book. I find this use of audio overlay within Pecha Kucha to be more impactful as it gives a voice to the drawings. The poems are meant to inspire people to see the world with a more open mind, and to cherish the blessings they have been given throughout their lives. We can never forget the people who have supported use since the very beginning, and those people are our friends and family.