Jacob McCloskey

BFA Graphic Design

Designer Website: jrmgraphics.com
Instagram: @jrmgraphicss

DESIGNER STATEMENT: Now in my final semester, I am excited to launch my artistic career. I enjoyed the learning process that I have gone through so far. I plan to continue to focus on my growth as a designer. I grew up loving illustration, and while I desired to work in an art related field, I am not sure if I ever really thought that day would come. I am grateful for the opportunities I had at GMU and for the guidance of classmates and professors alike. I always thought that when I graduated, I would have all the knowledge I would need for a job; however, I know that graphic design is an ever-changing field. Research, education, and dedication are common themes that will always be a part of my journey. As a designer and illustrator, I would like to influence those around me through my designs and in turn, I look forward to seeing how this work influences me as well.

For my senior project at George Mason University, I created The Facial Hair Handbook. My purpose for this guide is to create an easy access resource for men to consult when they have any questions about facial hair related topics. The book contains information from various scientific and credible sources within the facial hair industry. Some of the subjects discussed are the history of beard culture, common shaving mistakes, maintenance tips, and more. There are also 20 styles that I would encourage men to try wearing themselves. Since the book is entirely illustration based, it required long hours of focus and dedication. While the decision to illustrate over 50 pages of content was challenging, it allowed the book to be cohesive and unique stylistically. Overall, I am proud of how my book came out and am proud to share it with you all.