Giselle Aparicio

BFA Graphic Design

Instagram: @gicoadesigns

DESIGNER STATEMENT: Hello, my name is Giselle Aparicio and I’m a graphic designer! For my senior project, I decided to create a cookbook specifically on the classic dessert- cookies. In the past couple of years, cookies have rebranded themselves from being just a boring old pastry to a dessert with limitless possibilities. Bakeries dedicated to just cookies, and endless trending posts of the most extravagant cookies you’ve ever seen just popping up everywhere! Many have realized that cookies don’t need to be just chocolate chips or snickerdoodles- which are great, don’t get me wrong. But why not go outside the box and factor in some flavors you’d never considered? Like cereal? Or a brownie-cookie hybrid? This burst of creativity has revived what we used to know as the regular-schmegular cookie and created an entirely new wide range of possibilities. I have a knack for design and photography, and had a great time showcasing my skills through shooting pictures of all types of sweet treats.