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Why Baldwin Matters Symposium

"LOOKING FOR JIMMY" with David Leeming  

A lecture & conversation: 1:30-2:45 pm, Center for the Arts, GMU, Fairfax, VA

Prof. Keith Clark will host David Leeming. David Leeming met James Baldwin in Istanbul in 1961. In 1994, Knopf published Leemings “James Baldwin: A Biography.” Leeming will give a 30-45 minute presentation followed by a conversation with Keith Clark. 


Panel Discussion: 3:00pm-4:30 pm, Center for the Arts, GMU, Fairfax, VA

Why Baldwin Matters - Friendship, Scholarship and Imagination - a panel led by Keith Clark - featuring Nicholas Delbanco, Deborah Tulani Salahu-Din, and Rae Mitchell.

Reception to follow in the same space.

The Center for the Arts is building #7 on the campus map. The nearest paid visitor parking is available in the Mason Pond Parking Deck.