Caitlyn Gambol

BA Drawing

Instagram: @keitacolada / @keitacolada.png

ARTIST STATEMENT: Overthink, Overcome is a diptych self-portrait that represents change and growth. I am representing overcoming being your biggest inner critic and becoming more confident in yourself. This work is rendered in colored pencil, acrylic paint, gesso, and yarn. Using multimedia materials makes my piece bold and noticeable. This piece examines your inner saboteur. I revisit this theme in my art because it is relatable to young people. I depict stress and a lack of confidence in my artwork because it is something we can all relate to. These pieces depict just that.

In both portraits, I am referencing tarot readings. Tarot reading is an old form of card reading in which the person being read asks a question and the cards that are drawn are interpreted to fit the question. In the first portrait I am showing self-doubt. The pose is guarded, and the eyes are avoiding contact with the viewer. The dagger is a reference to the ace of swords found in tarot readings. This symbolizes breaking through new ideas and trying to show off these ideas but not knowing how to execute them. Additionally, it shows cloudy thinking, which is what a lack of confidence can feel like. In the second portrait, I am showing a breakthrough. The releasing of the butterflies from the chest shows letting go of negative thoughts and being free from your inner saboteur. The heart with the daggers is showing the tarot symbol of a reversed three of swords. One reading of this card that I particularly identify with is how the person receiving the reader is their biggest critic and to release those negative thoughts. These self-portraits are all about overcoming.

Overthink, Overcome
colored pencil, acrylic paint, gesso, yarn, hot glue
38” x 60.5”

Overthink, Overcome
colored pencil, acrylic paint, gesso, yarn, hotglue
35” x 74.5”